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and in my opinion to withdraw Govt. aid from these Counties, except to the indigent Sick would result in no suffering, or disparagement to the colored people.  The fruit and grain crops are quite promising, the yield being much greater than the previous year. In the City, the overcrowed population is the principal cause of so much destitution which now prevails, and many widows who have large families of young helpless children to support are compelled to seek the assistance of the Bureau, which otherwise they would not do, had they husbands to work, and protect them. A much larger amount of destitution prevails amongst the white inhabitants, and as a rule greater suffering exists amongst them, than with the colored class.

Under provisions of Circular letter dated Hd Qrs. Ass Comr State of Va Richmond Va July 10th 1867 I have the honor to state that the temperance Movement amongst the Freedmen of this Division, is being carried on with the utmost vigor. I have succeeded