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A Lincoln Temperance Society was established here in June, but has not met with much success for the reason that politics about all their attention and even their religious meetings are disturbed by many who were once constant attendants. Nothing but a Union Siege  or a Political Society can command the attention of these people at the present time, after the political excitement subsides then the Temperance cause can be agitated with good excitement, Injustice to the colored people I would be well to state that in this Co there is very little habitual intemperance among them, and as a class they are temperate. The schools in this Co have not yet commenced. A few private schools are in operation in the Co. I can give no information concerning them except the one at Scottsville, which I have applied before, for help, but without success. A young colored man named H Clay Hains has a School there and is struggling along with little success, the people being too poor to keep it up. I respectfully recommend that a permanent School be established at Scottsville as there is great need of one in that place.
All of which is respectfully submitted. 

[[left margin note]] Manley [[/left margin note]]

I am Most Respfy
Your most obt Servt
A.F. Higgs
Lieut 16th US Infantry
ASA Commr

Gen O Brown
Asst Commr BRF&AL
State of Va

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-03-17 11:46:40