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and civil rights and less predujice expressed on a/c [[account]] of Color than has hertofore existed among their former masters. The County authorities complain that they cannot collect the levey for the support of the poor
of the County.  I have referred two cases to them for admission to the Poor House both of which they have declined to receive on account of their failure to collect the Tax already referred to. in consequence of which no provisions could be made for any more paupers than they now have at the Poor Farm.

The Baptist Antioch Society have taken steps here to organize a Society the object of which is  to look after their poor and care for the sick and needy believing it is their duty to relieve the U.S. Govt from doing so  Said Society to continue in existence until the County is able to assume the support of such cases.  There are however but few cases of absolute destitution all of which will be cared for by the above named Society which takes in the entire County in its operations

It is gratifying to see how cheerfully these people have acceded to the above object and fully illustrates their gratitude to the US. Govt for benefits already received and their willingness to relieve the same from the expense