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others to engage in the Cause.  Intemperance does not exist to an alarming extent among the Freedmen of
my Div. I will do all in my power to impress upon these people the importance of abstaining all-together from intoxicating drink because I firmly believe it is conducive to health prosperity and happiness
among any people.

I hope to be able to state in my next months Report that the movement has met with more favor than it at present receives from the hands of those it is intended to benefit. I must however first bring about a change in their Clergymen all of whom so far as I can learn will take an occasional drink, this habit has so long been indulged in by these people that it has become so fixed with them that it will require a great effort to eradicate it and bring about the desired condition of affairs among them in reference to Temperance.

The Schools throughout the limits of my Div are now closed until the autumn.

I am General Very Respectfully
Your Obt Servant
W.A. Mac Nulty.
Bvt Capt and ASA Comr