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Civil Authorities render assistance, which they do not wish to do, the government will be called upon for aid. The Civil Authorities do not refuse aid when they will go to the Poor house, and several applications have been returned with the endorsement, that they would assist if the applicant would do so; But with one exception all applications agreed to do so

Temperance - the subject of Temperance has been agitated in several portions of this Division, some have signed the pledge. One general meeting has been called, and an address made with gratifying results, as some fifty or sixty presented themselves to sign the pledge; meetings will be held from time to time, and beneficial results are expected. As a general thing the Freedmen are abstemious in the use of liquor, it being of very rare occurrence to see one render the influence of Ardent Spirits, indeed so rare as to excite comment from those who are observant of such matters

Registration - The first session of the Board of Registration has been completed the present month; the final result haves the Whites about twenty five ahead in the county. In all the districts with the exception of one (the fourth or Kempsville) the Whites outnumbered the blacks, in the district above alluded to, the blacks outnumbered the whites in proportion of three to one. There will probably be about one hundred and twenty five disenfranchised whites in the county rejected upon challenge, and who have not presented themselves for Registration before the Board, very few of the above number offered for Registration after having understood they would be challenged.
The Board were not entirely satisfied as to

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---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-03-17 11:09:19