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Bureau R. F. & A. L.
Office A. S. A. Comr. Fairfax Co. Co. Va.
Falls Church, July 31st 1867

Capt. S.P. Lee
Sub. Asst. Com'r.
10th Dist. Va.

I have the honor to submit the following report of Freedmen's affairs in this County,during the month of July, 1867.

In every part of the County the Freedmen are steadily progressing, improving in education and showing a general intelligence in the management of their affairs, while they are by industry and care adding to their own comfort and proving useful and good neighbors.

There has been a great demand during the harvest season,for the labor of the Freedmen, and they have had constant employment at high wages, and are still busy in all parts of the County.

Amongst the white people there is manifested a much more liberal spirit than formerly existed forward the Freedmen, and the strong predjudices against the class are rapidly dying out.

After making careful enquiry I cannot hear of any colored men who failed to present themselves for registration while the different Boards were in session in this County, and as a general rule they displayed much intelligence in regard to their appreciation of the meaning and importance of registration.

No applications for food have been made to me during the past month and I have heard of no cases of distress from other causes.

The great benefits of temperance seem to be highly appreciated by the Freedmen of this County; and all of its rules are strictly

Transcription Notes:
In every part of the County the Freedmen are steadily progressing, improving in education and showing a general intelligence in the management of their affairs, while they are by industry and care adding to their own comfort and proving useful and good neighbors. ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-03-18 10:09:39