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Bureau R.F. and A.L. Alexandria Va. July 31st 67
Capt S.P Lee.
I have the honor to submit the following Report, in behalf of the cause of Temperance in the County of Alexandria Va. The Grand Division of the Sons of Temperance of Va will not at the present time grant Charters to institute Divisions for Colored People. The Grand Division of the district of Columbia with an anxious desire to advance the interests, promote the welfare, and happiness of the colored people, propose to throw over them the sheltering care of the Sons of Temperance, with all the privileges, ceremonies, and usages of the order with the single restriction, a different pass word, and no visiting (only official visits) they welcome the colored People to their Brotherhoods.
There has been one public temperance meeting in this district, with the colored People at which a number Signed the pledge. There was a flourishing society, under the title of