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are the keepers of the drinking places.

I regret that some provision cannot be made to furnish medecine for poor Freedmen here. Sickness is most common in families where poverty exists and although Dr. C. R. Harris continues to prescribe gratis for the needy poor colored people, as I have reported in previous months, he cannot furnish medecine also and in some pressing case I have had to pay for prescriptions out of my own pocket. A trifling appropriation by the Bureau would do much good and if this cannot be made with a small assortment of medecine be furnished to me as requested? x

The aged and orphan colored people will need much attention through the coming winter and I know nothing which will tend more to alleviate their condition than affording facilities for the reunion of families most of the needy old colored people in the county having been disposed of their natural supporters by the sale of their now adult children to other states.
I have the honor to be General
Yr obt servt
Thos. P Jackson

Transcription Notes:
3.16.2024 - Transcribed per guidelines (spelling transcribed as is, specifically "medecine") and marking for review