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These ideas and policies prevail to such an extent are so trained and educated in the School of Slavery and are so antagonistic to those liberal views and policies which are the basis of true prosperity that were there no mitigating circumstances were there no power or right conferred or inherent independent of his former masters, the Freedmen might despair of ever rising in the scale of Manhood. 

But with the power in the right of suffrage, their eagerness for intellectual improvement, their religious proclivitie, their condition will rapidly improve. Their present condition is that of dependents. Being without homes or land or property of any kind, they must depend upon the property holders entirely for the means of support. 

There are but few cases comparatively of extreme destitution and those are aged and infirm. All such cases are promptly provided for by the Civil Authorities when informed. 

All the Counties make ample provisions for their indigent poor. There is found to be a superstitious feeling prevailing in the minds of the Colored people in regard to a residence in a poor house. They consider extreme want a "curse" and to be sent to the poor house "one of the greatest punishments". They will suffer cold, nakedness, hunger, and almost death in preference to

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---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-03-17 11:32:51