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classes in private & in public.

From this intercourse, I have obtained reliable information upon the following points:
1" That the Freedmen are as a general thing disposed to make the beat possible use of the opportunities afforded them, by their new conditions. That they are industrious - temperate - economical, orderly, - faithful, - eagerly seeking after the means of intellectual improvement, - are earnestly alive as to their rights & corresponding duties, as citizens, enquiring most earnest how they are to exercise with aufty to themselves, & the country the elective franchise.
2" That the means of self improvement, to the Freedmen are, especially, in that, which is most important to his success in any other particular, to wit, his domestic relations, very limited. But very few employers, comparatively, furnish homes for their hands - the consequence is, families are broken up, & separated, almost so much as they were in a state of slavery. Husband & wife are compelled to live, apart, encouraging unfaithfulness to the marriage relation, & tending

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---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-03-17 13:41:58