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the justices of the county will, through timidity, incapacity or other causes neglect to perform the duties which are now incumbent on them; if such should be the case the same will be duly reported. As "Military Commissioner" I have proffered them every assistance in my power in the enforcement of justice and it is most earnestly hoped that the result of their labors will be to the best interests of all classes. 

"Education of the Freedmen"

is now one of the most important labors which should interest all true friends of the colored race. The general government has conferred upon them every favor and honor, but without their minds are prepared for the performance of their new duties as American Citizens, as thinking, reflecting, responsible men, the labors of their friends are to a great extent lost.

This county in this immediate vicinity is well supplied with schools, but the country has been almost entirely neglected. It is hoped however that communications regarding this subject which have already been forwarded will meet with the approval of higher authority and this great want be supplied.


In accordance with instructions from Bureau Hd. Qrs. Cir Letter dated May 15th 1867 the proposed organizations of