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Temperance Societies among the Freedmen in this county has been urged upon them with not as an immediate result as is desirable. I will continue however to agitate the subject and it is hoped that good results will follow. There are already three societies organized upon temperance principles and most of the "Freedmen" in this vicinity are members. I would state however in conclusion that intemperance among the Freedmen in this county is almost unknown. During the (19) nineteen months I have been stationed at this "post" no Freedman has been arrested for drunkenness and very rarely is a man found in that condition.

Respectfully submitting the above 
I have the honor to be
Very Respectfully 
Your Obt Svt
F.J. Massey 
Bvt Capt and A.S.A Comr
3d Div 5th Sub Dist. Va

Bvt Brig Genl O. Brown
Asst Comr State of Va 
Richmond Va 

Genl S.C. Armstrong
Agent 3rd Sub Dist
Fort Monroe, Va