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Freedmen in the County if Teachers can be secured for them. Three schools can be started, one at Ayletts. - or in that vicinity.- one near a Aquinton Church & one near West Point Church. which will have an attendance of at least 125 each. If any assistance can be given the Freedmen in this direction it will be greatly to their advantage & the moral effect will be on the side of Law & order. The condition of the Colored people in this County is good so far as their mere physical comfort is concerned. although there is room for improvement. The majority of those contracting with Land owners in the County either by the month or on shares have fair contracts but there are I am convinced numerous individual cases where there is & has been a disposition to treat them unfairly. which need investigation. Their moral condition is bad & must be so long as they have no Church, no School House & must look for enlightenment to political Demagouges working for their own interests solely. There is a wide field for Missionary enterprise here which should be occupied. 

Respectfully Your obt Servant
CP Goodyear
Agent 3d Div 3d Dist Bureau of R.F & A.L
State of Va.

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-03-19 11:49:00 ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-03-19 12:27:54