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emergency arises, on the civil authorities failing to take proper action, I of course stand ready to interpose; and I shall also, where I think it necessary, direct them to have proper officers present for the purpose of preserving the peace of the community.

I have as yet been unable to get any actual action in relation to organizing the "Lincoln Temperance Association;" and, in fact, it proves a rather more difficult task than I at first anticipated; But what whith the prosecuting of the second session of the Board of Registration, and the excitement of the recent political meetings, and the organizing of the Union Leagues, with the Freedmen, we have all been pretty constantly employed; however, as the matter is in the hands of those whom I consider the leading Colored men here, I hope, in due season, to yet secure a proper organization. The degree of temperance on the part of the Colored people continues very favorable.

I am, General, very Respectfuly
Your Obt. Servt.
W. F. De Knight.
1st Lt. V.R.C.-Asst. Sub. Asst. Comr.
B. R. F. & A. L.