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Bureau of Refugees Freedmen and A L 
Office of the A S A Commissioner 
5th Div 4th Va Sub Dist
Culpeper C R Va
August 31st 1867

Bvt Brig General O. Brown
Asst. Commissioner Dist of Va
Richmond Va


I have the honor in compliance with Circular No. 6 Head Quarters Asst Comr State of Va dated Richmond Va January 29th 1866 to report the Condition of Bureau Affairs in my Division also in conformity with Circular No 14 Head Quarters Asst Comr Va dated July 10 1867 to report what has been done under the requirements of Circular Letter from the Major General Comr dated May 15 1867. 

The Condition of affairs in my Division is of a very prosperous character. Crops are good and abundant. No complaint of any note have been made during the month by the Blacks against the Whites of ill treatment. There have been but very few cases of actual destitution reported all of which have been relieved either by the County of by the friends of the sufferer. No serious trouble has been experiences by this office in the adjustment of the differences that have occurred between the Employer and Employee.

The Registration has been completed without any difficulties occurring between the White and the black. The Schools throughout the Division will commence again October 1st. The Registration was about equally divided between the White and the Black the former having about Fifty