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captured has been violated &c, in other instances, the course of actions on the part of the employer, toward the employee, was such as to compel the latter to leave, but in all such cases, I force a rigid investigation of the facts, before a Magistrate, affording all the parties, every opportunity to make out their cases, and if the facts developed, in said investigation, clearly betray a disposition the employee, on the part of the employer to defraud the employee, and the action of the Magistrate is not in accordance with the evidence, I cause the parties to the action, to be summoned to appear before me, which authority I exercise under the operation of G.O. No. 31, from Head Quarters 1st Mil District. 

The Freedmen as a general thing are not disposed to submit the adjudication of difference between them & the Whites to the Civil authorities- They seem to be distrustful & suspicious - and I am myself strongly inclined to the opinion that there is good substantial foundation, for this opinion among the colored people. If I had ab-initio- adopted the policy of sending cases to the Magistrate indiscriminately, this fact would have long ere this, been already demonstrated, but I have persisted and still persist in confining, as far as I can, the trial and adjudication of cases in which freedmen are parties to that class of Magistrates who fearless of public sentiments, and who activated by an earnest desire to do justice, to all, act promptly, resolutely, and without