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hatred &c in order to advance his own interest. From present indications, the feeling between the better classes, of both races is as flattering, in every region, as it has been at any time during my operations at this post,- but it cannot be concealed that the feeling between the lower classes is becoming more bitter daily, and that the cause is traceable to the influences brought to bear upon them through the instrumentality & chicanery of ignorant unprincipled desigining men, in their speeches &c at the public demonstrations alluded to. No objection is urged against public meetings- they are the only means through which these people (unable to read as they are now, to a great extent) can render themselves capable of exercising the right of suffrage &c, intelligently - but the evil consequences resulting from the fact that these meetings are managed by a mischievous class cannot be too deeply deplored, and in my opinion demand bold, prompt, decisive action, on the part of the proper authorities, in order to bring about substantial good - to the very race whose interests, it is intended shall be advanced. The time consumed by the laboring classes in attending public meetings, and listening to the harangues of unprincipled demagogues will of course seriously retard the advancement of the agricultural interest, and if the crops fail by reason of these facts, what class will suffer more severely