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them to become the employer, of their fellow freedman, is used to try and defraud them quite as often as is the case with the low whites. The better and larger class of farmers are disposed to fill their contracts to the letter, then arise disputes because their freedmen sometimes claim that they are only hired to do certain work for instance "only work the crop." (though the contract says they are to do" any kind of work required on the farm") and the laborers often demand extra pay for work outside of the crop. Another frequent cause of trouble is when the contract reads that, the freedmen are to have part of the crop when made and "find & clothe themselves" then a verbal arrangement is made that the planter is to sell at fair prices to his hands such reasonable supplies as they may require and they (the hands) are to pay him out of their share of the crop when divided- the hands having free credit, & the planter being careless make a free use of their credit and when a settlement takes places, though they acknowledge having received all the items charged & that the prices charged therefor are fair, yet are then dissatisfied because their entire crop has to be taken to pay their debts (& often it dont do that) or again