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Bureau Refugees Freedmen and A Lands
Hd Qrs Asst. Comr 5th Div 6th Sub Dist Va
Heathsville Sept 25th 1867

Bvt. Brig Genl O. Brown
Asst Comr State of Va

In compliance with instructions contained in Cir No. "6" dated Hd Qrs Asst Comr Bur R.F. & A.L. Richmond, Va January 29th 1866. I have the honor to report as follows. The state of feeling existing between the Whites and Blacks in the Counties of Northumberland & Lancaster has undergone no material change during the month of September. There is no doubt a feeling of distrust between them that it will take some years to remove. The Freedmen have generally worked well through the year, but owing to the poor quality of the land and the unfavorable weather, but about one third of the usual crop of grains will be raised. Many of the Freedmen are buying small pieces of land and intend to cultivate their own land after this year. They are making preparations to start schools during the winter at a number of points in the division.