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Bureau Refugees, F & A Lands
Office, First Division, Seventh Sub-District
Lynchburg, VA, Sept 30th 1867

Bvt. Brig Genl. OBrown,
Asst. Commissioner State of VA

I have little to report in compliance with circular 6 series of 1866. 

The weather has been seasonable, and the prospects are that there will be an averag yield of corn tobacco. Many of the freedmen have fine crops of bach corn tobacco. 

With the exception of Appomattox County, the schools have not reopened.

The health of the freedmen in the 7th Division could not be better. 

There have been no applications for rations of moment during the month; so far as I can learn, the Civil Authorities, are preparing in good faith to meet the calls of the suer the coming winter. 

The Temperance cause is progressing some to, have united themselves with the society in this city, & I have taken the preliminary steps to organize a society in Nelsen, which promises to be more flouirshing than the one in town. 

With the exception of Nelsen County & certain localities, in other parts of the 1st division. Distrtics, good feeling prevail among all classes. Trouble has arisen in Nelson Couty, out of the personal difficulties of two youthful aspirants for the [[?]]