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Bureau R. F and A.L.
Hd Qrs 3d Div. 5th Sub-District. Va.
Yorktown. Va. October 1st 1867.

Pursuant to Cir. No 6. dated Head Quarters Asst Comr State of Va. Jany 29th 1866. I have the honor to report, that, no material change has occured in the condition of this County since last report.

The "Temperance" cause is I think progressing, but no permanent organization has as yet been formed under the auspices of the "Lincoln National Temperance Association"

I have the honor to be,
Very Respectfully
Your Ob'd't S'v't
F. A. Massey
Bvt Capt and Asst Sub-Asst Comr

Bvt Brig Genl O. Brown
Asst Commissioner
Richmond. Va
Thro. Genl S. C. Armstrong
Fort Monroe. Va.