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Bureau of R. F. and A. L.
Hd Qrs: 4th Div: 5th Sub Dist: Va
Drummondtown Va Oct 25 1867

Capt: Garrick Mallory
A.A.A. Genl:
Richmond Va

In compliance with Circular No: 6 Series of 1866: Hd: Qrs: Asst: Commissioner State of Virginia

I have the honor to report that the affairs of the Bureau in this Division as follows.

During the past month I have made the Circuit of my Division and find that the treatment of the Colored people by the whites the same as reported last month. The Colored people seem to have a plenty of Employment when they wish work, but I find that a large number of them are inclined to idle about the Court House, and Small Villages.

There has been some little excitement about the Election which will account for a part of the idleness this Month.