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scarcely on speaking terms with each other.
There is a disposition to intimidate all who dare approve in any way whatever the hereditary lordlings of the land; and when it is remembered that the Colored people have never been educated and taught to love and cling to the inalienable rights of Freedmen it will not be wondered that large numbers will be driven from an assersion of their rights, so soon as the military is withdrawn, from their immediate neighborhoods. 
At the time the military was such to this section, (immediately after the War closed) the Whites were to much alarmed for fear that the full consequences of Rebellion and Treason, would be visited upon them, to care much which would become of the Negroes, and before reaction occurred, the Bureau Officers had so gained the confidence of these people, that when told by them that they had certain rights and privileges, they have not hesitated to assert and use them; but my intimate acquaintance with all classes here satisfies me, that should this influence be withdrawn in the next twelve months that no lengthy mathematical calculation will be necessary to determine the time when the Colored laborer will cease to demand his wrights; and when those Whites who now uphold the Government

Transcription Notes:
I looked over the previous person's transcriptions and made just one adjustment (assets -> asserts)