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Office Bu, R.F and A.L
Pittsylvenia County Va Division
Danville October 31st. 1867

Capt. R. S. Lacey
Sub Asst Com


I have the honor to make the following report for the Month of October 1867 in Compliance with instructions contained in Circular No 6 Series 1866

The feeling between the Whites and the Freedmen is of a most violent caracter [[character]] since the elections of the 22nd. Instant, the Whites threaten the Freedmen with all kinds of vengeances, the Freedmen on the contrary are well disposed and peaceable, a few Freedmen have been turned away from their employment since the elections in this county. during the elections the Freedmen conducted themselfs in a very becoming manner and everything passed of quietly It is realy remarkable that not one colored man was to be seen Intoxicated. the usual complaints are made by  the Freedmen of their employers many state that they are turned away from their employent and that they cannot get their shares of the crops, or their monthly wages as the case may be, most of such cases are submitted to the civil courts for adjustment

The schools of the colored children are in operation in this Division Mrs Diavns school is well attended See School report. I have visited the school of the colored children on the 10th Instant and I find that