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Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen & A. Lands
Hd Qrs 5th Div 2d Sub Dist Va
Amelia C.H. Va November 30th 1867
Maj. J.R. Stone
S.A. Comr 2nd Sub Dist Va
Petersburg Va
In compliance with Circular No. 6 Series  of 1866 from Bureau R.F. & A.L. Hd Qrs Asst. Comr. State of Va. I have the honor to report that there is but very little new consequential or interesting from my last report, except that there has been more deaths among the freedmen in this Division during the month than has occurred during the same length of time since my sojourn here, but among three cases there has been no suffering for want of supplies, care or attention, as all were self supporting independent, young or middle aged men and  women and among friends. The month has been one full of business for me in the way of assisting those who have been laboring for a share in the crops in their division, all of which has been amicably disposed of to the satisfaction of all parties and in this respect the freedmen deserve a great deal of benefit and satisfaction from having someone to assist them in whom they have more faith and confidence than they have as yet in the people among whom they live.