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Bureau of R.F. and A. Lands
HdQrs A.S.A.C. 2d Div 2d S.D. Va.
Waverly Sussex Co. Va Nov 30th 1867
Brvt. Brig. General O. Brown
Asst. Com'r B R.F. and A.L.
State of Virginia Richmond
I have the honor to report that the state of feeling existing between the whites and blacks in my Division is not from untoward appearances as bitter as at the date of my last report.
The bitter feeling that was engendered by the blacks exercising the right of suffrage in accordance with their own views has been mastered to some extent by the whites and the same feeling that existed prior to the election is gradually returning.
The blacks are working exceedingly well and a large portion of them have made contracts for the ensuing year with a determination to fulfill them with honor to themselves and in kindness to their employers regardless of the taunts that are continually thrown out that "Niggers wont work".
Intemperance is almost unknown among the freedmen.
I am General