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Bureau Refugees, Freedmen, & Abd Lands
3rd Division, 4th Sub District
Charlottesville Va Nov 30th 1867

I have the honor to report that nothing of interest has occured during the past month worthy of mention. The whites as a general thing seem to be terribly uneasy regarding what they term the arming of the negroes. It is true that nearly any colored male has a weapon of some kind, but I attribute it to a desire on their part to exercise a privilege they have always been debarred from, and from no bad design. It would however be a great blessing could both be made to cease carrying weapons of any description. Individually I fear no trouble provided both races keep their tempers and avoid all exciting topics & discussions, whether they will do this - time can only show all which is respfy submitted
I am Most Respfy 
Your obt Servt
AF Higgs
Lieut 16th US Infantry 
ASA Comnr &c

Asst Comnr B R.F.&A.L. 
State of Va