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Bureau of R.F. and A.L.
Office of the A.S.A. COmr
5" Div 4" Va Sub Dist
Culpeper C.H. Va
November 30" 1867

Bvt Brig Genl. O. Brown
Asst Comr Dist of Va
Richmond Va
   I have the honor to report in compliance with Circular No 6 Hd Qrs Asst Comr State of Va dated Richmond Va January 29" 1866 the condition of Bureau Affairs in my Division for the month of November 1866.
   The Freedmen are at this time busily engaged harvesting the crops, which are very good, but few cases have thus far occured of controversy between the freedmen and the whites in reference to a division of crops, all that have occurred have been impartially adjusted by the Bureau.
   No Freedmen have been discharged in my Div on account of having voted their sentiment at the polls.
   There was considerable talk among the whites soon after the election, of substituting white labor in the place of colored, the whites at the polls had announced themselves as their enemies &c but this talk has almost entirely subsided and will amount to nothing the