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Bureau RF&AL Office ASAC 2 Div 6th SD
Bowling Green Caroline Countys Va.
November 30th 1867

Bvt. Brig. Genl. O. Brown 
Asst Commr Dist Virginia
Richmond Va

In compliance with Circular No 6 Hd Qrs. Asst Comr State of Virginia January 29th 1866, I have the honor to report, that the state of feeling existing between the whites and Freedmen is one of coldness a sort of quiet antagonism exists between them.

The farmers generally speak of procuring white labor and their determination of not hiring Freedmen for the coming year, but those who talk the loudest are trying hardest to hire them

On the subject of Temperance among the Freedmen there has been but little progress. Some of the most intelligent have organised a society from which good results are to be anticipated.

I am General
Very Respectfully 
Your Obet Servt 
John O'Dwyer Bvt. Col.

Transcription Notes:
I believe *13 is actual a B. The corrected [?] phrase looks to be: Bowling Green Caroline County's The others I am unsure. ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-03-20 01:52:26 Check the Smithsonian's personnel records if you can't figure out the name of the signer or the addressee. Orlando Brown was the commissioner for the WHOLE STATE of Virginia, his name is all over these documents.