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put forever at rest the idea of Class Superiority, or some further action of the General Government - looking to the same thing. 

Proscription is now the order of the day; and it is only necessary for either White or Black to disagree politically with the former political leader to be accused of every meanness conceivable. It will be readily understood that sentiments like these are not calculated to promote harmony, nor restore good feeling.  

Many persons talk about the chances of a war of races in the South, that it should be, that it is inevitable. So far as my observation goes, there is nothing to fear on this score from the colored race or their union white friends unless they are drove to it by their former masters, and so called superiors.

As for union sentiment, there is more with the so styled upper class. They have lately opened with wearing the red and white rosettes, and I have no doubt, would raise the Rebel flag, dare they do so in public. They have these flags at their parties, balls &c however. 

At their Tournaments, the Knights who tilt, are called Knights of "the furled banner" the "Southern Cross" the Lost Cause &c calculated all of it to cause irritable feelings in the breasts of Refugees, Northern Union men,and more especially the ignorant, but jealous minded negro, who have no better sense than to think that the Rebels are soon to be again triumphant. 

Those of the higher or wealthier class 