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wives & mothers of the refusal of their husbands to contribute towards the support of their children, & that they are spending their wages for trifling purposes.

There is also a disposition on the part of employers to dismiss their hands after the season of busy labor is over & therby escape the expense of keeping them through the winter - the result of which is to turn out of employ & home many persons at a season when they most Kneed the fruit of their labor & the shelter of a house. Of course this is done under cover of some excuse as to escape the consequences of a breach of contract.

Another cause of much complaint is the unwillingness on the part of the inferior courts to give any protection to the colored people against insult, imposition & fraud on the part of the whites. Every obstacle is thrown in their
way, & evry excuse availd of to present their complaints from being heard. It is only when the personal & persistent efforts of the Bureau are brought to bear upon these courts that they will hear & try these complaints & afford to these unfortunate persons the protection of the laws of this state, I am satisfied that if this protection was withdrawn, the life of no colored person would be safe in case of any difficulty arising between them & a white person. In such a case they would be shot 

Transcription Notes:
3.19.2024 - Transcribed per guidelines (spelling transcribed as is) and marking for review ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-03-19 19:41:31