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Bureau R. F. and. A. Lands.
Office. A.S.G. Com'r.
4th Div. 10th Sub Dist Va.
Warrenton Va. Nov 30th 1867,

Bvt. Brig. Genl. O Brown.
Com'r. B. R. F. and A. Lands. Va.
Richmond Va


In compliance with Circular No. 6. Dated. H'd Qrs. Com's. Virginia. Richmond Va. Jany 29th 1867. I have the honor to report that the Freedmen have done remarkable well during the present Month. Although the feeling against them on the part of the Whites is very bitter. This feeling originated in consequence of their having exercised the franchise right and their connection with the Union Leagues. Freedmen who belong to the League are threatened with dismissal unless they abandon the League altogether - and their places supplied by Foreign labor. No instances of Freedmen having left their employers,

Two cases of complaint has been made to me wherein employers have discharged laborers in their having exercised the franchise right,

I am Genl very Respectfully
Your Obdt Servt
O.B. Gates 
Cap't. V. R. C. and. A. S. A. Com'r. 4th Div. 10th Sub Dist V.a.