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Bureau of Refugees Freedmen & Aba Lands
Off. Asst Sub Dist Comm 1st Div 6th Sub Dist Va
Fredericksburg Va. November 30th, 1867.

Bvt. Brig Genl O. Brown
Asst Comm B.R.F. & A.L.
Richmond Va.

In compliance with Circular No 6. Bureau of Refugees Freedmen & Aba. Lands Head Directors Asst Commissioner State of Virginia Richmond Va dated January 29th, 1866, I have the honor to report feeling existing between the whites and the blacks is not good, and, has not been since the election for delegates to the State Convention.
In civil Suits before Magistrates the Freedmen do not in most cases get justice according to the evidence advised at trial.
There is not a great deal of intemperance among the Freedmen of my Division, there are three or four in Fredericksburg who occasionally drink to excess.
I have had no applications, as yet, from Freedmen for relief except for clothing, and think there will be less poverty among
them this winter then formerly.
Very Respectfully

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