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Hd Qrs. 5th Div. 5th Sub. Dist. Va.
New Kent, C.H. Va. Dec. 23d, 1867

Bvt. Brig. Gen. O. Brown
Asst. Comr. Dist of Va.


I have the honor to inform you that for the month ending this date no changes have occurred in the condition of Bureau Affairs in this Division.  I relieved Capt. N.M. Brooks, V.R.C. in the duties pertaining to his officer in the 7th Dist.  The freedmen are all employed as previously reported & appear to be prospering in all their affairs.  No cases of actual want or suffering have come under my observation since I assumed control of the affairs in this Division & so far as I can learn there appears to be a general disposition on the part of the civil authorities to afford equal protection to both whites & blacks

Two school houses are in prossess of erection, one in New Kent & the other in Charles City County which I trust will be completed during the coming month.

The freedmen, particularly in New Kent, County are looking forward to the establishment of School