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Lexington December 30th 1867.

At a called meeting of the Board of Councilmen 
Present Jacob M. Ruff Mayor, - Councilmen White Wm Barclay, Edmondson, Sheilds and Plunkett.

The Mayor submitted a communication received from Major J.W. Sharp upon the recent disorders perpetrated within the Corporation; upon consideration of which. -

Be it Resolved:  that for the purpose of more effectually preserving the peace & order of the town; Be it ordained by the Mayor and Council of the town of Lexington,- That Major General Schofield be and he is hereby respectfully petitioned to grant this Council & the Mayor of said town - power to pass such laws and to make such regulations for the preservation of same, as to them may be deemed necessary, subject however to the approval of the commanding General.

An ordinance controlling the sale and use of ardent spirits and punishing drunkenness.

An ordinance fixing an hour after which all persons shall be required to be off the streets at night except for necessary purposes.

An ordinance punishing summarily by fine and imprisonment the rescuing prisoners.

"The following ordinance is passed."

Be it ordained; That whosoever shall be guilty of carrying weapons or small arms concealed or openly shall be fined in a sum not exceeding $10.00, and forfeiture of arms - And in default of payment of fines, then imprisonment at discretion of the Mayor, not exceeding thirty days.

Be it ordained, That        be and he