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The disposition to persecute the colored people on account of political feeling continues as reported last month & will unquestionably remain the same until the work of reconstruction is fully accomplished

The courts under the pressure of Government officers continue to deal out so much of justice to the colored man as will exempt them from interference & removal by the military authorities

The work of education among all classes is greatly neglected, Except in the towns there are but few schools of any kind & the children of the poorer class both white & colored are almost entirely without the means of instruction. Our Freedmens school at this place (the only one for which we have been able to obtain a teacher) is in a flourishing condition & is filled to the full capacity of the building in which it is taught.

The moral & religious condition of the colored people of this Division is as favorable as could be expected under the circumstances, & will compare favorably with any other portion of the South, but needs much effort to improve it through the common school - the Sabbath school - & an enlightened christian ministry. There is no use of attempting to disguise the fact that unless the colored people of the South are sustained & lead

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---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-03-21 09:27:39 ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-03-21 11:21:18