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to provide for all, who properly belong to their respective districts. The weather has not been as inclement as it was in '66, this is much in favor of the poor.

As yet no complaints have been made that freed people are unable to get homes, the coming year, in consequence of their having voted the Radical ticket.  At one time the sentiment of the community was against hiring colored people after their present contracts expire.  It remains to be seen whether there will be many turned out of doors on the 1st proximo or not, because of voting contrary to the wishes of the Whites. I do not anticipate there will be.

The improved condition of the blacks shows itself (over last year) in the little articles of house hould comforts, furniture &c., which they have gathered around them, in their dress and many ways.

The schools are in a prosperous condition, though not as largely attended as in summer.  This is attributable to the fact that some are indisposed to face the cold, while others, the poorer classes, have not the clothing to make them comfortable in doing so.

Nothing has been done in the temperance cause, and cannot well be so long as politics takes up so much of the freedman's time.

There is nothing which indicates any particular bad state of feeling between the races, especially on the part of the blacks toward the whites.

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-03-21 10:59:33