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B.R.F. & A.L. 3d. Div. 9th S. Dist.
Woodstock, Va Dec 30 1867.

Brig Genl. O. Brown
A. Commr

I have the honor to report that the Freedmen are slowly but surely taking up the burden and privileges of Freedmen their condition is not as good as it would be, were the juries more disposed to decide equally between the colored and the white race, whilst such feeling is evinced there is no disposition amongst the Freedmen to trust any case to their tender mercies feeling sure, that the decisions will be against them.

I am afraid there will be much suffering this winter on account of the short crop of corn which being their main dependence they will require some foreign assistance to enable them to sustain their families.

The one school in this Division is in quite a flourishing condition and there is urgent need of others more especially now

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