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I find the laborer has absented himself during harvest or lost too much time showing clear neglect of his duty I refuse to allow it. 

Assaults upon freedmen have been much less frequent during this than the past month, owing to pressing charges against some of the offenders, though in the cases mentioned in my last report action has been taken by magistrates in the case of Levi Middlebrook only. Five of his assailants did not appear, two were held to bail in the sum of $75 each & security for $75 to answer indictment at March court. Abraham & Evelyn Wallace have not taken out a warrant against Ford and from what I see and learn of the neighborhood where they reside I do not expect they will. Indirectly I hear today Justice Huff refused to grant a warrant against ____ Coleman to Mary Minor (c) saying "the d-d nigger ought all to be driven out of the county" I have sent for Mary & if the above language was used will see him in person and report.

Christmas festivities and church revivals have overshadowed political excitement and but little is said by freedmen about politics except frequent  

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-03-21 15:31:32 to add NARA ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-03-21 15:48:47