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Office A.S.A. Commissioner
B.R. F. and A. L.
Halifax C.H. Va
Dec 31st 1867

Genl. O. Brown
Asst Commissioner
District of Virginia
Richmond Va


In compliance with Circular No. 6 Hd. Qrs. Asst Commissioner District Va I have the honor to submit the following report of Bureau Affairs in Halifax County Va for the month of December 1867.

During the month now ending I have had an opportunity of seeing a number of the Freedmen who have come to my office to have their accounts settled and I am glad to be able to report such a favorable state of affairs. There have but one or two instances of a disposition to over reach the Freedmen on the part of the white employer occured. And in every other instance the difficulty has arisen from the ignorance and want of confidence in the whites on the part of the negroes. There prevails through out the entire county a disposition on the part of the whites to deal fairly and honestly with the negroes & I have meet with a number of instances where the former masters are supporting at their own expense without