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freeness of spirits usual to the holidays.

I received in reply to my request a detachment of (25) twenty-five men and instructions from Genl Stoneman to disarm any organization which might have appeared with arms and arrest the leaders and forward them to Richmond for trial. In pursuance with those instructions I arrested Anthony Oliver and George Williams alias Coleman & confined them in the county jail upon examination I found that Oliver was only a tool in the hinds of the other man and was forced into the organization by threats of being driven out of the country if he did not join it. I released him and retained Coleman who is waiting until I get transportation to send him to Richmond. I visited the neighborhood where this organization was, after my adress to the freedmen and learned that it had had the desired effect, of breaking it up, and that there had been no more meetings since. This man Coleman has done more to make the freedmen restless and impudent that any one man in the county. 

Monday before Christmas being Court day I closed all places where liquors were sold. There was an unusually large crowd in town that day the most of them negroes who having finished their year's work, came to the C.H. to spend their wages if they had any left. The day passed off very quietly and not a single act to disturb the peace. I have not    

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---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-03-21 19:59:38