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heard of any destitution among either the whites or black which the county has not promptly meet.  I believe that there is very little destitution in this county in proportion to the number of population.

The only school for freedmen in the county at present is at this place under the auspices of the Episcopal Christian Commission of Philadelphia.  It is in a very flourishing condition and the scholars are making rapid improvement both in behavior and recitations.  The school numbered this month (115) one hundred & fifteen scholars.  The ladies (teachers) in charge of the school deserve great credit for the faithful discharge of their duties, and the zeal they display in their work.

The greatest difficulty I find with the freedmen is to get those who work for a share of the crop to understand that it is their pay for the year's work and not for just raising the crops, and that they must pay for all the time they lose except that allowed by law.  There have been parties who have been filling the minds of the freedmen with all sorts of erroneous ideas, viz: that they were to have land and horses tools and so on given to them and that they would have no need of making any more contracts as they would have land of their own given them this winter.  As a consequence there were very

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