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to accomplish something of a reform. Even the colored preachers do not preach temperance to their hearers.

If this class of persons would set an example their Church members would follow it.

I have made several inefectual attempts to get the (cold) preacher here to come into the movement, but he does not seem disposed consequently his flock are indifferent about it.

Seeing that my efforts have proved futile in the organization of the adults into a society myself & wife have introduced it into our Sabbath school & day & evening school. This plan I am happy state will be a success and if nothing can be done for the older ones we trust the work may be carried on with the rising generation, which we trust in time may extend its influences to their parents, whose habits have become fixed in regard to interference

I am General
Very Respty
Your obt Servt
W.A MacNulty
A.S.A. Comr.

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-03-21 16:37:49