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Bureau R. F. and A. Lands
Head Qrs. A. S. Assis't Com'r 
Goochland C. House Va.
Feb. 1st, 1868.


Having been on duty in this Sub District but a short time, I have not been able to acquaint myself sufficiently with the character and circumstances of the people among whom I am stationed to be able to give much information in regard to them or their condition. Nothing has occurred since my arrival to indicate any special degree of hostility or ill-feeling between the two races. No complaint has been made of any personal ill-treatment received by the colored people.  

A few cases of unadjusted claims for wages or crops due the colored laborers have been brought to my notice, most of which I have succeeded in adjusting satisfactorily. My course of proceeding has been as follows, to request each party to select a referee & to act myself as the third, in case of disagreement between them. After hearing each party

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