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Head Quarters Assistant Sub-Assistant Commissioner,
7th Sub-District, State Of Virginia,
Rocky-Mount, Va., January 31st 1868.

Bvt. Brig. Genl. O. Brown -
Asst. Comr State of Va -
Richmond, Va - 


I have the honor to report that -

No perceptible change has taken place in this Division, in the state of feeling between the Whites & Freedpeople, during the month.

The whites are anxious to obtain labor - but the freedpeople are not anxious to work,as they fear their employers will be unable to pay when the money falls due. So they work no more than is absolutely necessary - (& even when agreements are made, the freedpeople work very irregularly), partly, no doubt because of the uncertainty of payment; & partly because they feel that they had to work when slaves & now that they are free they do not choose to. This feeling will last for a time  & is natural & to this must be added the natural indolence of the race.

Another cause of difficulty with regard to labor arises from the fact that the laws of Virginia bind the White-man & not the negro when a verbal contract is made. Evilly disposed persons, therefore, frequently persuade the freedpeople that they have been hiring for too little & that they can get more at such & such a place, or, that they will not be well treated. Hence they break their engagements & hire to another. This most frequently occurs with regard to the hiring of children.

No cases of violence against the freedpeople have occurred during the month.

None have been discharged on acct. of

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---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-03-21 16:44:08