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vagrants in the Sub Division.

With reference to the condition of the freedmen in regard to temperance I can add nothing to my report of last month.

There is no evidence of any abatement in the feeling of distrust of the white citizens prevailing among the freedmen and the conduct of the former is certainly not calculated to produce that desirable result.

I notice in the last report of my predecessor, Captain D. J. Connelly, dated October 31st 1867, the following statement, "Three Freedmen's Schools are now in operation in these Counties and are fairly attended": This is evidently an error, as there were but two Schools in operation when I relieved Captain Connolly, one located at Burkeville, Nottoway County, and one at Meherrin Depot, Lunenburg County, both are now closed on account of there being no stoves, or other facilities for heating the buildings, and the inability of the colored people to provide them. The teacher of the Burkeville School, James Scott (colored), is now absent at Manchester, Chesterfield County, and I understand that the Northern Methodist Episcopal Church, who have been paying him, propose to withdraw him from here finally on the 1st proximo, on account of the failure of the colored people to contribute anything to his support. There is a School House in course of erection at Lunenburg Court House upon which work has been suspended on account of the failure of parties who subscribed to pay up, I believe the Bureau has already appropriated Seventy dollars towards building this House and