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of purchasing himself a home from these broad acres which must ever remain worthless revenue to the state while undivided and unsettled. I am credibly informed that one half the cleared fields of Henrico and Chesterfield Counties are not cultivated. From my own observation I believe this information true.

With reference to the work of temperance among the colored people I will state that several meetings have been held during the month to promote this work but the attendance has been small. After repeated attempts to encourage this work to a successful issue in which both time and money have been applied I am at last compelled to say that my labors in this direction have not been conducive of as much good as was anticipated or desired. In my opinion the only successful line of operation to reach and defeat intemperance

Transcription Notes:
first and last words completed per instructions 1st word, opportunity, on previous page per S.I. instructions. ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-03-22 11:49:21 ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-03-22 13:29:29