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Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen and A. Lands,
Head Quarters 1st Division 6th Sub District, Virginia,
Fredericksburg, Va. February 29th 1868.

Brevet Brig Genl O Brown.
Asst Commr B.R.F. & A.L.
Richmond Va

In compliance with Circular No 6. Bureau of Refugees Freedmen & Abd Lds. Head Qrs Asst Commr State of Virginia Richmond Va dated January 29th 1866. I have the honor to report that the feeling existing between the Whites and blacks is the same as usual. they have little or no confidence in each other.

There is but little intemperance in my Division among the colored people.

The Freedmen complain of the manner in which the country taxes are raised, in Stafford County the head tax is four dollars and ten cents ($4 10/100)

Very Respectfully Your Obd Servt
Hector Sears
Asst. Sub Asst Commr.

Transcription Notes:
Please check to see if the ($4 10/100) is formatted correctly