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impunity. Imagine for a moment what the state of morals must be when a majisterial Court sitting in judgement with a jury of their peers dispensing justice between man and man, when occasion requires, which is pretty often, adjourn the Court and repair to the store of one of the Majistrates near by, fill themselves with mean whiskey curse the "Yankee", "the "Nigger", the 'Bureau", Teachers of Freedmen and every one aiding in any way to elevate & educate that oppressed people, no one would suppose that such could be the case, but here it is a common occurrence. There are some good and true men here notwithstanding they have been in the "Confederate Service" I'll instance the case of Dr. W. W. Douglas who served in the rebel army until the surrender at Appomattox he says he went into the army a "States rights man" that question having been submitted to the arbitrament of the sword, the highest tribunal known to civilization, was whiped "accepts the situation" in good faith, and now desires the equal rights of all, had all rebels done the same the "Bureau" would not be necessary.  The Colored people are oppressed by the wealthy landholders who demand such exorbitant rents for poor lands, worn out and cursed by slave labor, having to work and toil over one hundred acres for what ten acres might by the aid of fertilizers and proper cultivation, be made

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---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-03-22 19:01:34