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reflex of the sentiments of very nearly the entire white disloyal population of the Dist. It is my firm conviction that was the Bureau removed at this time that loyal men white or black could no more reside here without the Military to protect them than they could have done in Charleston S.C. in 1861. 

I understand that the Disloyalists are very busy forming secret organizations with a Capt'n for every hundred men. on the pretext of preparing for the approaching campaign but I believe for the ostensible purpose of waging a war of extermination against the unoffending negro- they are continually harping on "Nigger Supremacy" "Social equality" "State Rights" and all such old political dogmas which have or should have been long since defunct. The only thing, in my opinion, that would efect a permanent change in the "right direction" would be the establishment of a good system of Common Schools Erect "Peoples' Colleges the Countries Hope" at the rate of fifty to every one hundred square miles of territory- Educate the rising generation, (the present will soon pass away,) who [[strikethrough]] will [[/strikethrough]] in after years will wonder that their progenitors could have been so wicked as to undertake the destruction of the best government on earth in order to perpetuate the accursed institution of Slavery-

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---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-03-22 19:30:25 ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-03-22 20:03:13